However, Scott is out of the hospital and doing better.

Related blog: It was the worst of times...
I am slowly getting over my sickness, and don't feel AS MUCH like a wet rag.

Our "stolen" dog is still here, and making us laugh.
My lurking dog
Work is about to get BUSY, so I am enjoying as much normalcy as possible.
I survived "Paranormal Activity 3 " tonight. NOT my type of movie, but I went with the flow. I will never sleep peacefully again.
There was a dead honeybee in my window sill today, I go to pick it up by its little legs and toss it in the trash...it stung me. I hope the little bastard died twice. It still hurts.
I actually managed to get my sister to stay the night with me. Twice!

I am not a fan of the constant pain in my left leg.
Scott traded in all of his old PS3 games and bought "Uncharted 3" today. This makes me happy, I like the series. I also won't have a conversation with him until he finishes it.
The Alabama/LSU game is tomorrow. I fear I will lose a lot of friends, seeing how I am deep in Tiger country.

I turn 33 in 8 days. Sigh.
I was going to do a "Things I am Thankful For" countdown blog to Thanksgiving, but several people are doing that on Facebook, so blah on that.
Scott found his dream hoodie today. Complete with pointy ears:

This guy cracked me up the other day. We were waiting on our drinks at Sonic, and he was just sitting there with a lost look on his face, holding a dollar.

Scott's brother came to visit last weekend. It felt good to see him happy. After the hospital scare, and being sick for several weeks, it was good to see him smile again. I've said it before, Scott won me over when I first saw him with his family. His brother is the light of his life, just as my sisters are mine.

They are playing Christmas music everywhere. This may be the year that I snap Clark Griswold style.
I have become a coupon junkie. I am obsessed with finding them and printing them out, but have yet to use one. But they are there, waiting for the kill.
I suppose that is all. I am half full of optimism that November will be better.
I know it won't be for the bee.
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