So you remember the blog where I kind of ate cat poop ? <<<< My family has given me grief over that for years. Well... The other day I was with Rebecca & Lily and she stunk up the whole living room. Rebecca changed her, cleaned her up, and handed her to her Grandma. We kept smelling it, so strong, Rebecca was looking around for a misplaced baby wipe. Nothing. She then was just chilling on the couch, on her laptop
"oh my God it's on my finger!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Now I have competition.
I was reading an article on how being a vegetarian was the best thing ever, and I told Scott as much as I love steak, I think I could do it. Then at the end of the article, they post "I mean isn't this gross?"

And then....I was out.
Lily <3

Bailey, Scott, and I raked most of the yard.

Bailey played volleyball. They won a game!!

Look who I saw!! One of my two readers!!

I bought these Kindle books:
Help for the Haunted- John Searles(I actually paid money for!)
Believe God- Beth Moore (free)
Holman Christian Bible- for those times I am too lazy to walk across the room and pick UP the Bible (free)
What Are You Afraid Of?- Dr. David Jeremiah (free)
Black Jasmine- Toby Neal (free). This made me SO happy because I am on the second book of this series, so I was going to buy it anyway!! Haha, Amazon!!
Abandon- Blake Crouch (free)
And okay...I will admit that I gave into curiosity. Most of the books I read are nonfiction, mystery, forensic, the Patricia Cornwell/Dean Koontz/Matthew Reilly genre. Brad Meltzer is my baby daddy. I despise, with a passion, romance novels, rom/com movies, and anything chick related. (With an exception of You've Got Mail, Sweet November, and City of Angels)
I heard that 50 Shades of Gray was the thing to read. I knew I was going to hate it and didn't want to waste my time. On Black Friday the trilogy was on sale for $2.99 for the Kindle, so I got it.
I can honestly say that with the exception of Dolores Umbridge, I have never hated a character more. Both of them. OMG. I was insulted that a woman could be written that way. I am not a feminist, but give me a break!! This was trash! And I am not referring to the bedroom scenes, which made me giggle like a 12 year old boy.
No......just no.
I attempted to watch Blue Bloods on Netflix, because Jenny McCarthy goes on and on that it's the best show on TV. After an episode and a half, I just couldn't. Then I realized that she is dating Donnie Wahlberg and is supposed to say that.
I did try.
Sorry Magnum, P.I.
We got a new Blu Ray player, so after I catch up on laundry, I plan on vegging out and watching Season 1 and 2 of Downton Abbey. Too bad it wouldn't hook up to the bedroom TV or I would for sure disappear for two days.
I watched the first disc of The Mentalist and Castle. I like.
I think Castle is going to be my soulmate.
Watched The Wolverine. Meh.
And for no reason at all....Tom Hardy
You're welcome

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