Rainy, muggy off day.
Spent most of the day cleaning out my spare room, which was the perfect reason to drag out all of the Christmas stuff. The tree is out of the box, just not set up or decorated it. It's a trial run to see what the stupid cat is going to do to it. So far, she has left it alone.
My good thing: Steak for dinner
My bad thing: I am sick of being sick.
Nov 17-
Work day. Still muggy and rainy. Not a fan of the a/c running for 2 days then tomorrow I will have to turn the heat on. No wonder my sinuses are in shock.
Nov 18-
Worst work day in recent memory.
You know what made it worthwhile? Lily is coming home tomorrow!!!!!
Nov 19-
Guess who came home today!!!!!
Her first car ride.

Her 1st bath...

Of course she cried when I held her

She finally calmed down

The first time Mother got to hold her

I couldn't stop snuggling with her

Her adorable tutu

Her face smooshed...it's perfect

And Bailey's first time hold her.

We are so whipped.
All above is My good thing
My bad thing: Scott and I went to bed at 5:30pm sick. It sucks.
Nov 20-
Easy work day, went to see Lily when I got off
Not much else besides Jambalaya for dinner and cleaning house.
My good thing:

My bad thing: I feel like I am getting a sinus infection
Nov 21-
My good thing:

My bad thing: Sinus medicine dropped kicked my butt.
Nov 22-
We had our Thanksgiving Dinner at work. I stuffed face.
Bailey came to decorate my tree:

My good thing: green. bean. casserole.
My bad thing: I was coerced into eating a piece of strawberry cake.
Nov 23-
My good thing: I didn't die.
My bad thing: I feel like I am going to die.
Nov 24-
yo!! Guess who got a new follower on Twitter? That's right:
Scott Grimes
I remember being super young and watching him in the movie Frog. Then throughout my teens I made sure I saw him in everything I could. When Party of Five came on, he was Will, which made me happy in the pants. I recently saw him on Criminal Minds and NCIS:LA. I saw where he was tweeting, so I asked him a question regarding NCIS:LA, and he followed me!! I possibly squealed like a small child.
My good thing: ^ ^ ^
My bad thing: I had a sore throat and the sniffles, so I had to skip on the Lily snuggles.
Nov 25-
Sick. Hate everything.
Nov 26-
They sent me home from work today. I felt like a kid with detention. So I was snotting all over the place? So I was whining with a wet rag over my face? Big whoop.
My good thing: I discovered nasal spray. Gold from the gods.
My bad thing: I think I died.
Nov 27-
Okay, so I am going to live.
I celebrated by eating an entire bag of Cheese Puffs.
This has not been a good week for me to drive. I fell on the way to the truck when I slipped in ice, then driving to work another car came into my lane and we both had to stand in the freezing rain to make sure her vehicle was okay to drive when she went off the road (I spent the entire day soaking wet feeling like a yard dog), then when I was going to the bank I turned into my empty lane, but the car in the other lane decided to change lanes while I was turning and almost plowed into me. I....could be dead. Again.
My good thing: Pay day!!!
My bad thing: Bill week!!
Nov 28-
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Spent the day with the fam.

Nov 29-
I got up at 7am and sat at the kitchen table with my Kindle and books all day. I do mean all day.
I suppose that is my good and bad thing, because I accomplished nothing, yet I was content with that.
Nov 30-
Not much different than yesterday, I just substituted the table for the bed, and books for DVD's. I did go see Lily for a smidge.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This book took me 3 months to read, and for a Kindle book, that is a long time. I really liked the main character, her attitude and way of thinking reminds me of myself. The story was good, but sometimes I would have to reread a passage because my mind would wander elsewhere.
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
**shrugs** It was not a bad story, but nothing new.
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is liked. I know I read tons of books about forensic crimes scenes, and detectives, and serial killers, and forensic anthropologists, and medical examiners, so it takes a very unique book to stand out among all the rest. This was good. I am looking forward to reading more in this series.
View all my reviews
Alabama lost to Auburn. Somebody got their panties in a twist.
Good day.
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