1. My left leg feels like it's going to snap in half. I am not sure if it is arthritis, the fact I am walking 5 days a week, or I have a rare mutant blow the knee disease. I am guessing #3.

2.I absolutely despise the heat. Anyone that knows me personally, or internetically (a new word) knows that anything above 70 degrees is pure torture. It is 104 right now. This makes walking in the afternoons absolutely the worst thing ever. My backyard looks like a savannah. No way I am mowing that crap in this heat.
3. I lost my dad July 1st. You know what? It freaking sucks. Time isn't healing anything. I am angry, depressed, but I will lie to your face when you ask how I am doing. Instead of forcing me to lie, just buy me a Diet Mtn Dew, and I will know you care.
Obituary for Joey Scarbrough
4. I've been on a "healthier me" campaign for over a year now. Only recently have I truly begun to take action. It sucks. I exercise, I eat less junk food. Blah. I haven't weighed in 3 weeks, I am afraid nothing will come of it. I know it isn't going to happen instantly. I just want my knee to stop throbbing. And a bacon sandwich.
5. I bought a bag of popsicles (the awesome ones in the plastic) for Bailey when she stays with us. I have been (not so secretly) eating one a day. Now that there are none left but the blue ones, I am thinking someone may notice.
6. I have become a recipe addict. I have always enjoyed finding and trying new recipes, but lately I have been going loco over anything with avocado in it. And let us point out, I CAN NOT separate an avocado from the skin. A big *PFFFTTT* to all the "it pops right out" people. Tell that to my sliced hand.
7. I need a vacation. I have been back in Louisiana for a year and nine months. With the exception of 2 days when Scott was in ICU, 5 days total Daddy-related, and 3 days to move my stuff from Alabama to here, I have worked. I need to use the vacation I have for the first year before December comes around and I lose it. With Scott working, there is no way we could go anywhere together, so I think I will just use it to SLEEP. I am thinking October. It is my favorite month. Except last October. That really sucked.
I saw no Great Pumpkin
It was the worst of times
8. Music and books soothe me. No matter how bad things get, or how stressed out I am, I can always plug in my iPod headphones and drown the world out. When I feel empty or out of reach, I can always pic up a Patricia Cornwell novel, or a Harry Potter book, or "Seven Ancient Wonders", and feel warm again. I know that sounds retarded. Learn to embrace the weird.

9. I have tattoo fever again. There are 3 things holding me back. The last time I called my mama to tell her I got a tattoo she made me call her "Mrs Judy" instead of "Mother". I can't decide exactly which one I want. Where I want one isn't exactly work-friendly. I can't imagine helping a guest or going to church with my forearm all tatted up.
10. I have awesome people in my life. While I won't call any names, I have wonderful people that I can call, text, or message anytime of the day or night with the most random off the wall messages, and they are nothing but a ball of joy. You know who you are. And while I don't say it often, I love you guys.
I said good day.
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