So in no particular order, since I am feeling particularly lazy, here are pictures of Lily, internet stuff that made me giggle, my favorite Tweets, and more pictures of Lily.

Things to never order at a fast food place
The winning lottery numbers were:
6 12 28 29 30 35
Our numbers...
6 13 27 28 34 40
So we go to Walmart on Saturday. We are a glutton for punishment. Scott is lallygagging in the electronics, so I wander over to the chips. Because...come on. I see that Pringles has a Sriracha flavor. Being a nice sister, I think "Rebecca likes Sriracha! I am going to get her some!!". I grab a can, and the entire endcap crashes into a V pattern. Only 10 cans or so hit the ground because my hands and belly was propping everything else up. I finally get positioned to free my hands, then the rest of it falls. Luckily a kind soul helped me clean it up. I thanked her, then grabbed my can and ran.
In other news, they also have Bacon flavored.
Books I bought:
Allegiant by Veronica Roth
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews
Havoc by Carolyn McCray (which I KNOW is going to tick me off, as all of her books do. But it was free, so may as well)
The Truth About Butterflies- Nancy Stephan
Wayward- All by Blake Crouch. I am a new fan. And all three for under $4.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
I have so much TV to catch up on, my DVR is full, and I have 4 Netflix discs here that are eyeballing me. I finally finished season 1 of Scandal. Err. Merr. Gerd.
We started watching the second Thor movie but I fell asleep right after they stabbed Loki.
I leave you with Lily. Who has not recovered from being this close to my foot:

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