No matter what happens this month, the air conditioning in our truck is fixed. There is no point in winning the lottery now.
Poor Dylan...
And it's time to move.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I had to reread a couple of chapters when I finished it, when they revealed "the killer", I went "who?". But I did love the book, as I have all of The Scarpetta Series.
View all my reviews

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I need to face the fact that the only book related to Narnia that I am going to love is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. This one was el-boring-o. But I will not be deemed a quitter, I will finish them all.
I asked him "what are you gonna do with that?" and he said "I want to be on the Internet!!"
Here you go, sir....
When we got home Saturday, we spent the majority of the evening catching up on the Coke Zero 400. Or should I say, Commercials on TNT, with 3 minutes of NASCAR.
I suffered through it, with a splitting headache only to see Jimmie Johnson win. Again.
I've been sick Friday and Saturday. Massive headache, lots of nausea, and more and more nausea.
No, I am not pregnant.
I missed Brandy and Grace's birthday soiree' :(

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
One of the best books I have read in a long time. Very witty, face paced, and I am excited for the rest of the series to come.

is Sharknado.
Watching it while reading people talking about it on Twitter was hilarious. I was going to post some on here, but there were way too many to choose from.
Okay...Scott is the absolute worst when it comes to recognizing an actor. He mocks me because I can name an actor, what they have played in, usually their entire IMDB resume.
But he is notoriously bad at it.
Today on the way home, here is our conversation:
Scott: I watched the new Spiderman movie.
Me: Meh
Scott: It was okay. I figured you would like it, since it has Percy Jackson in it.
Me: Wrong. Andrew Garfield is in Spiderman.
Scott: Are you sure?
Me: Not even close to Logan Lerman.
Percy Jackson comes on.
Me: See? No where close.
Scott: I got the movies mixed up, I meant to say The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Me: WHAT!!!! On what planet can you mix up Jay Baruchel with ANYONE???
I give up.
My Facebook status for this morning..
7 July
I just had a man ask if I49 ended in Shreveport. I told him yes, and where exactly it ended and where he can get on I20 headed to Mississippi. He said it was ridiculous that he just couldn't stay on I49. I explained that I49 runs north to south. He said I needed to talk to my (hotel) manager to get this problem fixed.
I can't even make this up......
I followed her around all day with my hand over my heart...
This was last month, but this was the note that Shaq left our Natchitoches SWAT team at the shooting range:
Poor Scott can't eat anything without an audience:

So I made a salad....

And then Scott made his salad..

I finally get to watch a Braves game today, and what do I do?

I am going to get kicked out of the club.
I am way too excited for the Percy Jackson trailer:
Sea of Monsters
What!! She picks up a hitchhiker and gets Dave Matthews. I get creepy meth mom with a switchblade.
Always pitch up hitchhikers

Because a woman made of plastic cost 7 grand...
When Edwin Tobergta got out of jail for having sex with a pool raft, he was pumped.
So was the pool raft, apparently, because Tobergta was arrested again for having sex with the same pool raft.
Tobergta's wet and wild trysts first made a splash in 2011 when the then-32-year-old was caught getting freaky with his neighbor's pink, inflatable raft in an Ohio alleyway. The neighbor called police to report that Tobergta was on top of the floatational device with his pants "down around his ankles." The suspect fled -- with the raft -- and was arrested a short time later.
Today, Tobergta was indicted by a Butler County grand jury after a child witnessed him last month stepping out his back door, naked, then having "sexual relations with a rubber pool float," police told WHIO. The same "rubber pool float" he'd de-felated in 2011.
He's been arrested at least five times in the past for similar offenses, including a July 2008 conviction for felony public indecency.
His arraignment is scheduled for July 23.
Ending this half month with the thought to show your kids, your family, your spouse, your friends how much you care and love them. If you are emotionally retarded like me, there are no need for words. Your actions determine everything.
Hug them tight.
Just not me, a simple high five will do.
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