Thursday, November 14, 2013

Where Little Texas makes my birthday

To fully understand my excitement, you may need to refresh your memory with my previous Little Texas blog

So my birthday was going great, it was getting dark, I was snuggled on the couch watching NCIS:LA, and then my phone went off. I see this:

I bounce on the couch and scream until my neighbors probably thought I was having a weird sex party.

I text everyone.

I call my mom. I thinking they were mocking me for fangirling, but who cares?

I go back to watching tv, with a giddy smile on my face.


I fly off the couch, grab the laptop, wifi signal.

I sprint down the hallway and go to Scott's's off.
Do you remember how long it takes to get a desktop to boot up?

33 minutes later I am finally online and on the site, but it was just silent.
I heard nothing. I pouted for a good 30 minutes.

I tweet them back, and thank them for making my birthday.

And they respond!!!!

And I died again.

And I love this chick Heather, she made my whole day.

Rebecca also made my day with a picture of Lily...who is still in the hospital:

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