Sept 16
Read this!
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
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Sept 17
Read this!!
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Loved this book!! I knew before I read it the time era it was set in, so I was prepared for hated, bigotry, and the KKK. I liked the way the story was told from different points of view, reading it from everyone's perspective. It would make a nice film, if I could sit through the final lynching scene, but seeing the revenge scene would be worth it. We all need a little Florence in our lives.
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Sept 18
Most definitely read this!!
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Every person needs to read this book!! It is so very inspirational for any family that has seen tragedy and chaos. My heart breaks for them, yet they remain faithful to Christ and always put Him first. I strive to be like Mary Beth and her family. It has been a very long time since I have cried reading a book. Must, MUST read.
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As you can tell, all I have done this week is work, read, and sleep.
Meh. Since it was free on the Kindle....
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
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Sept 19-
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!! And Happy Birthday to my father in law!!
Sadly, I remembered his b-day because of Pirate Day...
It's Payday!! Whoop whoooop!!!
The bank, groceries, cooked dinner, napped, woke up, growled, went back to bed.
Sept 20-
Finally rain!!!!!
Spent the morning with my sistahs, Bailey and I went to town, now back home listening to the rain, watching Dexter.
Sept 21-
Definitely a lazy off day. Aside from moving from one end of the loveseat to the other, that is all this Saturday has consisted of. I have caught up on Dexter, the only episode left is the very last one that comes on tonight. I have no idea what is going to happen, they always throw something at you in the last 5 seconds of the show.
Sept 22-
Once I got off work, I went home and napped. I woke, ate dinner, went back to napping.
Then I watched the series finale of Dexter.
I am wounded.
It ended just as I expected, only....frustrating.
Get it together Dex, House has already had this ending before.
However, the Braves made the playoffs!!!!!!!!
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
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Sept 23-
It was a nice, cool 55 this morning. Then I walk into work.
Hell. Absolutely a sweating hell.
Happy Monday.
Sept 24-

Sept 25-
Seriously...nothing is going on this month. El-boring-o
Even though this was free, I still feel cheated.
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
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Sept 26-
I started watching Hawaii Five-0 again, trying to catch up on that, Bones, and Criminal Minds before the new seasons begin.
Life it tough, I tell ya
Scott Caan is my next baby daddy.
Also, I am going to have to seriously cut back on caffeine. This is not going to end well.
After dinner I went to hang with the fam.
My mother gave me childhood flashbacks of how horrible homework time could be.
Sept 27-
My phone is stressing me out. First the button you use to make it work is stuck. Unless I keep it on all the time, once it goes dark, the only way to make it light up again is for someone to call me, or I plug it in and right back out.
Now this morning the keyboard will not pop up. That I fixed, though.
I have been worried and praying about something for a while now. I got an answer, happy and sad. I would like everyone to please keep a very special unspoken prayer for me in your thoughts.
Sept 28-

Lula Mae like Rebecca's boobies.

Sept 29-
Nice morning. I slept until 8:30am, showered, and then spent most of the morning on the loveseat catching up on all of my shows. Scott made breakfast. Again.
I started watching Breaking Bad. I a two episodes in, and I think I am going to like it.
Sept 30-
Today I begin *yet another* healthier me campaign. I am starving already. My scales give me false hope this morning, at first it gave me an error message, then a weight came up that I haven't seen in many years. Stupid faulty machine. Later on it was correct. Sigh.
I went to the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame & Northwest Louisiana History Museum. That's one place. Long name. I learned a lot of new stuff about Natchitoches today. They didn't have snacks at the class though. Sigh.
Made Frito Pie Bake for dinner, and then went walking with Bailey.
I got this in the mail!!!

Now to figure out where I want to hang it.
So that is the second half of September. Tomorrow I am going to be like the Hump Day Camel. Guess what day. it. is?