Saturday, September 22, 2012
Survey Saturday
What was the highlight of your week?
I found the Grape Energy Crystal Light at Brookshires. What?
When is the next time you will kiss someone?
I am sure right before bedtime.
What color shirt are you wearing?
How long is your hair?
Curly, right above my shoulders
Last movie you watched?
I think it was "The Color Purple"
Who were you with?
I am alone, Scott it at work
Last thing you ate?
I am sure it was cheese related
Last thing you drank?
Mandarin Orange water. I have Grape Crystal Light now, so it's okay.
When was the last time you had your heart broken?
Who came over last?
Rebecca and Bailey. We had a Rock Band Party.
Then I got on the drums. Sh** got real...
I blurred out the things you did NOT want to see:
They took a video, that will remain forever hidden. Apparently I take drum playing very seriously....
Are you happy right now?
I am not unhappy.
What did you say last?
I screeched something at the dog. Now she is pouting:
Where is your phone?
On my leg.
Are you left-handed?
Indeed I am
Favorite Vacation?
It was just a 2 day trip, but Scott and I went to Atlanta to see the Braves play a couple of years ago, it was just a really good day. We have been on bigger and better "real" vacations, but that was just a special day.
What do you dislike currently?
I drank all of my beverage, and the fridge is so far away.
What are you listening to?
Ed Sheeran's "Give Me Love"
If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
A beverage....hello....
What is your favorite scent?
The first really cold morning of the year
Who makes you happiest?
I have pretty awesome family
What were you doing at midnight last night?
When is your birthday?
November 13.
Amazon Wish List
Where was the last place you bought something?
The grocery store. Fat girl gotta eat..
How do you feel about your hair right now?
How do YOU feel about my hair?
Do you have any hidden talents?
Why, what have you heard?
Favorite Song?
"Your Winter", Sister Hazel
Do you like to sing at all?
I enjoy it. Others, not so much
Dream Job?
I would love to get paid to read books all day.
Where does most of your family live?
Same house, same street as always
What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
It can't possibly be 5:20am already...
Know any other languages?
Have you ever been IN a wedding?
I have.
Did you take a nap today?
I still don't think I am fully awake from it
Who has the same birthday as you?
^^^^^this guy^^^^^^^
Sorry ladies, he is spoken for
Ever met anyone famous before?
I have
Do you want to be famous one day?
No thank you
What is your least favorite chore?
I really despise laundry
What is your average cell phone bill?
$190 ish for both of our Androids
When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard?
Every day, I am hilarious
How many piercings/tattoos do you have?
1 and 1
Do you like rollercoasters?
Not at all
Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
I have several ones I like, but not *one* favorite
Last thing you cooked?
Turkey and Cheese Sliders
How's the weather?
Do you e-mail?
I do. How very 90's of me
What states have you lived in?
Do you wish you could move?
No. It took me 9 years to get here
Have you ever wanted someone you can't have?
Yes, and I thank the Good Lord for unanswered prayers
Are you happy with your life?
I really am. I have a job I love, a vehicle that runs, a very loving and understanding husband, the best mama, and 2 very cool sisters. And a germaphobe brother in law. I have a house that is small, but easy to clean. Neighbors that are loud, but leave me alone. An endless supply of books. Blank paper and pens. 4 boxes of Crystal Light, Diet Mtn Dew in case of an emergency, and clean clothes in the dryer.
Life is good.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Recipes: Onion Dip
This is one of the things I make where I can't decide if I like it or not. Now don't get me wrong, I ate over half of it, but there is just something about it that I can't put my finger on. It tastes delightful. It sounds retarded, but it tastes sweet. I know, I use sweet onions, blah blah. Next time I will add salt.
AND, it makes your house smell rank for at least 2 days.
But enjoyable.
Take 2 sweet onions. Slice. Put 2-3 tbl of olive oil in a skillet.
Add the onions and stir occasionally until caramelized. It took about 25 minutes of complaining that my eyes are burning until I took them out. When they're brown and sticky, you're good to go.
Put them in a bowl, stick them in the fridge for about 45 minutes.
When they are good and cold, dig out your blender, and if you don't have one, those 45 minutes are a good time to go get one.
Add 1/2 cup of buttermilk, a teaspoon of salt, and a cup of sour cream.
And yeah, from the finger down is how much buttermilk I have left in my fridge. It's yours. Please come get it.
Stick it back in the fridge for about an hour.
The first night I ate it with chips, but the second day I decided to be healthy and crap and ate it with raw green beans. Try it. Delish.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Recipes: Ham and Cheese Dinner Rolls
These make me weep like a small child. Until I decide to stop doing my "hell diet" three days a week, I appreciate food a lot more the day before and day after. Today, I wanted something super nom, so I gave these a shot.
Super simple.
Melt a stick and a half of butter in a skillet.
Add a swish of Worcestershire sauce and about 3 tbl of Dijon mustard.
Mix all of this together, simmer for a couple of minutes.
Take Hawaiian rolls, slice them sideways, separating the tops from the bottom, leaving them intact.
Grease a 9x13 pan, otherwise known as "not the blue one" at my house, and lay out the bottom half of the rolls.
Spread half of the butter/onion mixture on the rolls.
Add some thin sliced deli ham, and cheese of your choice. I <3 Provolone.
Top with the buns, and spread the remaining mixture of onion/butter on top.
Cover, and pop in a 350 oven for about 17 minutes. I did it for 20, and the bottom was a bit burned.
Friday, September 7, 2012
The "miracle" diet
I have never in my life went on a "diet". I know I don't have the willpower, so I never attempted. I have in the past few months stayed *near* 1700 calories a day, and walked 8 miles a week.
I found on Pinterest, a diet that was "clinically proven" to work. 3 days a week, eat only certain foods, and the other 4 days eat whatever you want, in moderation.
Day One of diet:
1/2 grapefruit
1 slice toast (no butter)
2 tablespoons peanut butter
I just put the peanut butter on a piece of wheat bread and downed it with water.
I held my nose and ate about 4 bites of grapefruit. I then tried to find the dog to lick its butt to get the taste out of my mouth.
Oh yeah. The hard part. Only water. Do you know how much caffeine I consume in one day? This is not going to end well.
1/2 can tuna
1 slice of toast
I just used prepackaged tuna that was a little less than half a can.
1/2 banana
1 cup of green beans
3 oz of meat
1 small apple
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
I ate 3 slices of packaged turkey (1 oz a slice)
I diced the apple and put sugar free vanilla ice cream on top, and microwaved it for 12 seconds. Delish.
I didn't cheat the entire day. I walked 2.4 miles.
My head hurts.
Day Two of Hell Diet:
At 1:30am my head was throbbing so bad, presumably from lack of caffeine, that all of the precious food I consumed came right back up.
Now I am super starving, with a headache, and my breath stinks.
1 egg
1 slice of toast
1/2 a banana
I ate a hard boiled egg, actually put the wheat bread in the toaster for about 45 seconds, and sucked down that banana like it was Surf and Turf.
Let me also bring up this point. I eat at work, because let's face it, the food there is delicious, and my two favorite things our lovely breakfast hostess makes are Bagel Toppers and Turkey Sausage.
What was for breakfast yesterday you might ask? Bagel Toppers.
And today? Turkey Sausage.
Also ABC showed a marathon of Church's Chicken commercials all flippin day.
I am starving.
1 cup of cottage cheese
5 Saltine crackers
1 hard boiled egg
Normally I would see this food and never give it a thought. Today I sucked down this glorious meal like it was a fajita and a Klondike Bar.
Someone just offered me a soda.
I bit their throat out.
2 hot dogs, no buns (they mean WEENIES)
1/2 cup carrots
1 cup of broccoli
1/2 banana
1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream
"Possibly the best meal I have eaten in my life" - No One
We didn't walk tonight, but I did mow the ditch and the front and side of our yard. According to, I burned 879 calories. If this is true, then I will never burn a measly 270 by walking 2 miles, and will open my own business mowing people's yard as long as they provide Diet Mtn Dew and Doritos. 879 calories burned for 75 minutes?
Did I mention my husband made hamburgers yesterday? I thought about licking the plastic that covered the ground beef, but chose otherwise.
I have spent the majority of this evening on Pinterest and various recipe sites with my mouth actually watering looking at dinner ideas.
This is my porn.
I did cheat today and ate a bite of cauliflower, and let me tell you, it was like a Triple Baconator in my mouth.
I am starving, and if I hear Scott open one more Dt Mtn Dew, I will tear his face off.
Tomorrow is the least amount of food yet. Maybe someone will drop a bean on the ground and I can imply the 3 second rule.
Day 3 of the "I going to sell my soul for corn" diet:
Well I did it. I survived these 3 days without murdering someone, getting fired, or getting divorced.
My attitude on life has improved so much in these 3 days:
5 Saltine crackers
1 slice of cheese
1 small apple
Shut up, I even ate the apple stem
1 hard boiled egg
1 slice of toast
1 cup of tuna
1/2 banana
1 cup of ice cream
I can't believe I am not dead.
The final weigh in?
7.2 pounds.
I was excited that I lost anything, for the sacrifice of caffeine.
I was also disappointed that it worked, and now I will have to keep doing it.
When I reach my goal, I will post the final results.
That is, if I am not dead or in jail from mood swings.
I found on Pinterest, a diet that was "clinically proven" to work. 3 days a week, eat only certain foods, and the other 4 days eat whatever you want, in moderation.
Day One of diet:
1/2 grapefruit
1 slice toast (no butter)
2 tablespoons peanut butter
I just put the peanut butter on a piece of wheat bread and downed it with water.
I held my nose and ate about 4 bites of grapefruit. I then tried to find the dog to lick its butt to get the taste out of my mouth.
Oh yeah. The hard part. Only water. Do you know how much caffeine I consume in one day? This is not going to end well.
1/2 can tuna
1 slice of toast
I just used prepackaged tuna that was a little less than half a can.
1/2 banana
1 cup of green beans
3 oz of meat
1 small apple
1 cup of vanilla ice cream
I ate 3 slices of packaged turkey (1 oz a slice)
I diced the apple and put sugar free vanilla ice cream on top, and microwaved it for 12 seconds. Delish.
I didn't cheat the entire day. I walked 2.4 miles.
My head hurts.
Day Two of Hell Diet:
At 1:30am my head was throbbing so bad, presumably from lack of caffeine, that all of the precious food I consumed came right back up.
Now I am super starving, with a headache, and my breath stinks.
1 egg
1 slice of toast
1/2 a banana
I ate a hard boiled egg, actually put the wheat bread in the toaster for about 45 seconds, and sucked down that banana like it was Surf and Turf.
Let me also bring up this point. I eat at work, because let's face it, the food there is delicious, and my two favorite things our lovely breakfast hostess makes are Bagel Toppers and Turkey Sausage.
What was for breakfast yesterday you might ask? Bagel Toppers.
And today? Turkey Sausage.
Also ABC showed a marathon of Church's Chicken commercials all flippin day.
I am starving.
1 cup of cottage cheese
5 Saltine crackers
1 hard boiled egg
Normally I would see this food and never give it a thought. Today I sucked down this glorious meal like it was a fajita and a Klondike Bar.
Someone just offered me a soda.
I bit their throat out.
2 hot dogs, no buns (they mean WEENIES)
1/2 cup carrots
1 cup of broccoli
1/2 banana
1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream
"Possibly the best meal I have eaten in my life" - No One
We didn't walk tonight, but I did mow the ditch and the front and side of our yard. According to, I burned 879 calories. If this is true, then I will never burn a measly 270 by walking 2 miles, and will open my own business mowing people's yard as long as they provide Diet Mtn Dew and Doritos. 879 calories burned for 75 minutes?
Did I mention my husband made hamburgers yesterday? I thought about licking the plastic that covered the ground beef, but chose otherwise.
I have spent the majority of this evening on Pinterest and various recipe sites with my mouth actually watering looking at dinner ideas.
This is my porn.
I did cheat today and ate a bite of cauliflower, and let me tell you, it was like a Triple Baconator in my mouth.
I am starving, and if I hear Scott open one more Dt Mtn Dew, I will tear his face off.
Tomorrow is the least amount of food yet. Maybe someone will drop a bean on the ground and I can imply the 3 second rule.
Day 3 of the "I going to sell my soul for corn" diet:
Well I did it. I survived these 3 days without murdering someone, getting fired, or getting divorced.
My attitude on life has improved so much in these 3 days:
5 Saltine crackers
1 slice of cheese
1 small apple
Shut up, I even ate the apple stem
1 hard boiled egg
1 slice of toast
1 cup of tuna
1/2 banana
1 cup of ice cream
I can't believe I am not dead.
The final weigh in?
7.2 pounds.
I was excited that I lost anything, for the sacrifice of caffeine.
I was also disappointed that it worked, and now I will have to keep doing it.
When I reach my goal, I will post the final results.
That is, if I am not dead or in jail from mood swings.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
August 2012
August...the month of....well nothing important.
I work. I sleep. I walk. I Pin. I am trying to catch up on all of my shows. I rewatch the same movies over and over.
I loved "The Help". "The Hunger Games" wasn't horrible, but the book was better. Poop on "Lockout", even though Guy Pearce is adorable and his character was LOL. I rented "Safe House" and "J Edgar", but that is on my to do list for today and tomorrow.
I sweet talked our wonderful schedule maker to letting me have my weekend off as Friday and Saturday, and working Sunday.
I made some new recipes.
Zucchini Chips.
Scott's face at the end of the blog makes me laugh every time I see it.
These are nom. Just melt butter on an English Muffin, then place an avocado, then tomato, then Provolone cheese.
Creamy Mushroom Chicken
On the second day of having this as leftovers, I abandoned the pasta and just ate it straight from the bowl.
I started watching "The Walking Dead" and "Grimm". Like I need more shows to get involved in. They rock.
I am trying to stop drinking Dt Mtn Dew.
Like this one.
That I am drinking:
I did go all day yesterday without one. I wasn't *too* difficult to deal with.
So that's pretty much it. I got the house cleancleanclean. Laundry done. Food cooking in the crock pot. Porch is cleaned off :)
Tomorrow is yard day, and going to check on an old friend.
That moment when you know you're about to die...
Saw this on our nightly walk
Because I rock at Draw Something
Bailey at the crib
The volleyball benefit in memory of my Daddy :)
Now I am not sure, but I don't think volleyball is Scott's "sport"
Hunter had a birthday party!!
I got new running shoes
*Someone* needs to invest in a Trendy Top
My friends are awesome....
Bailey and myself at the benefit. I do have another sister. Who refuses to have her picture taken. Ah, the beautiful ones are such divas.
Talking about me flooding the pantry at work. I love my peeps.
I work. I sleep. I walk. I Pin. I am trying to catch up on all of my shows. I rewatch the same movies over and over.
I loved "The Help". "The Hunger Games" wasn't horrible, but the book was better. Poop on "Lockout", even though Guy Pearce is adorable and his character was LOL. I rented "Safe House" and "J Edgar", but that is on my to do list for today and tomorrow.
I sweet talked our wonderful schedule maker to letting me have my weekend off as Friday and Saturday, and working Sunday.
I made some new recipes.
Zucchini Chips.
Scott's face at the end of the blog makes me laugh every time I see it.
These are nom. Just melt butter on an English Muffin, then place an avocado, then tomato, then Provolone cheese.
Creamy Mushroom Chicken
On the second day of having this as leftovers, I abandoned the pasta and just ate it straight from the bowl.
I started watching "The Walking Dead" and "Grimm". Like I need more shows to get involved in. They rock.
I am trying to stop drinking Dt Mtn Dew.
Like this one.
That I am drinking:
I did go all day yesterday without one. I wasn't *too* difficult to deal with.
So that's pretty much it. I got the house cleancleanclean. Laundry done. Food cooking in the crock pot. Porch is cleaned off :)
Tomorrow is yard day, and going to check on an old friend.
That moment when you know you're about to die...
Saw this on our nightly walk
Because I rock at Draw Something
Bailey at the crib
The volleyball benefit in memory of my Daddy :)
Now I am not sure, but I don't think volleyball is Scott's "sport"
Hunter had a birthday party!!
I got new running shoes
*Someone* needs to invest in a Trendy Top
My friends are awesome....
Bailey and myself at the benefit. I do have another sister. Who refuses to have her picture taken. Ah, the beautiful ones are such divas.
Talking about me flooding the pantry at work. I love my peeps.
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