Thursday, January 31, 2013

Instagram monthly challenge.

Instagram had a 31 day challenge. I actually finished something I started!! A WOOT!!!

Day 1. Siblings

Day 2. Best Friends.

Day 3. Throw back Thursday. I have the fro next to the end on the right.

Day 4. Celeb crush. So many, but I had to go with Adam Richman.

Day 5. Favorite band. Little Texas!!!!

Day 6. Lock screen. Bailey says I did it wrong.

Day 7. Black and White pic.

Day 8. Perfume.

Day 9. Shoes. Go ahead, mock my mismatched socks.

Day 10. Blanket.

Day 11. Baby pic.

Day 12. Handwriting. I am always a day behind.

Day 13. Birthstone. I hate topaz.

Day 14. Snow. 2009 I think?

Day 15. Sky. Somewhere near Leesville, Louisiana.

Day 16. Favorite feature. I couldn't capture my awesomeness, sorry.

Day 17. Favorite animal.

Day 18. Stuffed animal. Bradley Franklin. He has been my bed fellow for 20+ years.

Day 19. Pets. Callie, watching me pee.

Day 20. Weather.

Day 21. Lyrics.

Day 22. Favorite movie.

Day 23. Sweater.

Day 24. Red. lol

Day 25. Socks.

Day 26. Pink.

Day 27. Favorite Drink.

Day 28. Someone you miss. I have never missed two people more.

Day 29. Anything. Horrible storm that night. My weather app said "Mild, overcast". This one was a little more accurate.

Day 30. Place I want to visit. Savannah, Georgia.

Day 31. Self pic.

You are so very welcome for my contribution.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I think he likes me.

Today is Scott and I's 8th Wedding Anniversary. I know right, who would have thought? Honestly I think he wanted to bail on year two but he's afraid of me a little. However, on our first date, I warned him that "if this progresses any further, I would like you to know I am grouchy in the morning and have mood swings". my head that is how is sounded. It probably came out more like:

So here we are, 8 years in the making.
I actually don't have a pic of us before we got married. Didn't want any evidence in case I had to appear before a know...just in case...

Jan 15, 2005

Jan 15, 2006. In "The Batcave". Chelsea, AL

I miss the Batcave.

Right after we moved to Montevallo.

Jan 15, 2008

At Rebecca & Stevens wedding. 2008.

Fall 2008

2009 I believe? On the Tennessee/North Carolina line

Summer 2009

At the Birmingham Barons game

At the Little Texas concert. Southside, AL

The greatest field trip ever. 2010.

October 2010. Right before we moved to Louisiana.

Christmas Eve 2010.

Celebrating our 6th anniversary early, since I would be in Louisiana and he would be in Alabama

What what?

Summer 2011. I would love this picture if it didn't look like I have a horrendous growth on my gums.

I *possibly* almost killed him...

Notice how he stops smiling over the years? I think it's sinking in.

Christmas Party 2011. He looks so enthused...

November 2012.

Christmas Party 2012. And Jack...

He bought flowers for me today. They are beautiful. They even have GLITTER!!
In true "us" form, we didn't have a big enough vase.
Burger King cup it is.

I did get a "normal" one...

After tears, screams, slammed doors (me), foot stomping (also me), and lots and lots of laughter, we have made it this far.

I hope he realizes he is my love, my rock, and he has my heart.
MushMush, yeah yeah.