Thanks, Sherri :)
A little Louisiana History Lesson
If Hurricane Katrina causing the levees to break in New Orleans is the only thing you know about Louisiana, here are a few more interesting facts about the Bayou State:
*The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is the longest over-water bridge in the world at 23.87 miles.

*Louisiana has the tallest state capitol building in the nation at 450 feet.

*The Louisiana SuperDome in New Orleans is the largest enclosed stadium in the world.

*Louisiana's 6.5 million acres of wetlands are the greatest wetland area in America.

*The oldest city in the Louisiana Purchase Territory is Natchitoches, Louisiana founded in 1714.

Natchitoches, LA
*The first bottler of Coca-Cola, Joseph Biedenharn, lived in Monroe, Louisiana and was on of the founders of Delta Air Lines, initially called Delta Air Service.
Coca Cola Museum
*Delta Airlines got its start in Monroe, LA when Parish Agent C.E. Woolman, decided to try dusting the Boll Weevil that was destroying the cotton crops in the Mississippi River Delta from an airplane. It was the first crop dusting service in the world.

*Southern University in Baton Rouge, LA is the largest predominantly black university in America.

*Baton Rogue was the site of the only American Revolution battle outside of the original 13 colonies.

*The formal transfer of the Louisiana Purchase was made at the Cabildo building in New Orleans on December 20, 1803.

*When states had their own currency, the Louisiana Dix (French for ten) was a favored currency for trade. English speakers called them Dixies and coined the term Dixieland.

*The staircase at Chritien Point, in Sunset, LA was copied for Tara in "Gone With the Wind"

*Louisiana is the No. 1 producer of crawfish, alligators, and shallots in America.

*Much of the world's food, coffee, and oil pass through the Port of New Orleans.

*Tabasco, a Louisiana product, holds the second oldest food trademark in the U.S. Patent Office.

*Steen's Syrup Mill in Abbeville, LA is the world's largest syrup plant producing sugar cane syrup.

*America's oldest rice mill is in New Iberia, LA at KONRIKO Co

*The International Joke Telling Contest is held annually in Opelousas, LA.

*LSU in Baton Rouge has the distinction of contributing the most officers to WWII after the US Military academies.

*The Louisiana Hayride radio show helped Hank Williams, Elvis Presley, and Johnny Cash achieve stardom. It was broadcast from KWKH Radio in Shreveport, LA from 1948 to 1960.

*The term Uncle Sam was coined on the wharfs of New Orleans before Louisiana was a US Territory as goods labeled U.S. were from "Uncle Sam".

*The game of craps was invented in New Orleans in 1813 as betting was a common activity on the wharves.

*New Orleans is the home of the oldest pharmacy in America at 514 Chartes St in the French Quarter. These early medical mixtures became known as cocktails, coining yet another term.

*New Orleans is the birthplace of Jazz, the only true American art form. Jazz gave birth to Blues and Rock and Roll music.

*The French explorer Robert Cavelier de La Salle names the region Louisiana to honor France's King Louis XIV in 1682 and his wife Queen Ana.

This actually took a lot longer than I thought it go read it again.
1 comment:
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