Tuesday, September 4, 2012

August 2012

August...the month of....well nothing important.

I work. I sleep. I walk. I Pin. I am trying to catch up on all of my shows. I rewatch the same movies over and over.
I loved "The Help". "The Hunger Games" wasn't horrible, but the book was better. Poop on "Lockout", even though Guy Pearce is adorable and his character was LOL. I rented "Safe House" and "J Edgar", but that is on my to do list for today and tomorrow.
I sweet talked our wonderful schedule maker to letting me have my weekend off as Friday and Saturday, and working Sunday.
I made some new recipes.

Zucchini Chips.
Scott's face at the end of the blog makes me laugh every time I see it.

These are nom. Just melt butter on an English Muffin, then place an avocado, then tomato, then Provolone cheese.

Creamy Mushroom Chicken
On the second day of having this as leftovers, I abandoned the pasta and just ate it straight from the bowl.

I started watching "The Walking Dead" and "Grimm". Like I need more shows to get involved in. They rock.

I am trying to stop drinking Dt Mtn Dew.
Like this one.
That I am drinking:

I did go all day yesterday without one. I wasn't *too* difficult to deal with.

So that's pretty much it. I got the house cleancleanclean. Laundry done. Food cooking in the crock pot. Porch is cleaned off :)
Tomorrow is yard day, and going to check on an old friend.

That moment when you know you're about to die...

Saw this on our nightly walk

Because I rock at Draw Something

Bailey at the crib

The volleyball benefit in memory of my Daddy :)

Now I am not sure, but I don't think volleyball is Scott's "sport"

Hunter had a birthday party!!

I got new running shoes

*Someone* needs to invest in a Trendy Top

My friends are awesome....

Bailey and myself at the benefit. I do have another sister. Who refuses to have her picture taken. Ah, the beautiful ones are such divas.

Talking about me flooding the pantry at work. I love my peeps.

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