June 1, 2012
Sweet Mother!! I finally have a washer and dryer. It only took 18 months :) My arms are so sore. If I had muscles they would be displeased with me.
Work and sleep, not much else going on.
June 2, 2012
Work and sleep. Bailey and I are watching "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe". By far the best Narnia movie to date.
I am still trying to put the house back together from having to empty out the spare room to put the washer and dryer in.
June 5th-
I have spent my off day doing absolutely nothing. It feels great. I have been so exhausted lately. I slept til 8am, then napped from 12-4. I keep telling myself I need to get up and do something productive, but alas, I sit here watching DVR and pinning things on Pinterest. I have washed all of my uniforms and have socks in there now.
June 10-
I FINALLY get a weekend off. You know what happened? I sprained my foot. That's right. All weekend I have sat on the loveseat with my foot propped up. Figures. I did it Thursday evening right before I left work. No cool story to tell, my Shape Up gave way while I was about to vacuum. I heard a crack, then the pain hit. Nothing came out of my mouth but air. It hurt, but nothing too bad that I couldn't drive home. Then I got home, propped it up all was good. When I attempted to get up, then the pain hit. The next morning I wanted to call into work so bad. I honestly didn't think I could do it. I managed. I kept ice on it. Yesterday it was a little better, it only hurt when I put pressure on it. Today I have it wrapped, but I am walking around. Turning very carefully.
My dad is in the hospital again. The doctors have decided that his liver is too far gone, and that Hospice will be the way to go. I will mentally deal with that later.
Bailey has been here since Friday evening. I swear she has sent 3,000 texts. If not more.
So that's what I have been doing. Catching up on email, chatting with friends, trying to clean up when Scott isn't telling me to "get OFF your FOOT!!!"
OOH! One of the dumbest movies ever!
"Good Neighbors" with Scott Speedman and Jay Baruchel. Now I love both of these actors, which is why I decided to give it a shot. Don't. Just don't.
June 12-
Yesterday was horrible. There isn't really anything more medically that can be done for my dad. He is being sent home into Hospice care. I knew that it was going to come to this, and thought I was ready. Not so.
My foot is still throbbing. It would probably heal if I would stay off of it.
June 15
So my dad is at home. I spent the last 2 days sitting with my family. At work, just waiting to go home. I NEED to clean house! it's terrible since last weekend my foot was bum and I couldn't walk on it. This week has been kind of hectic. Since Bailey stays with me on Friday and Saturday nights, I suppose I could clean her off a spot to sleep.
I got to see Brayden and Micah yesterday. Neither of them cried when I held them, so there must be an issue there. :)
Bailey testing Joey's Hospice bed
June 17.
Happy Father's Day
June 23
I am off the weekend. Right now sitting at my mom's with her on Daddy Patrol. Nothing much planned for this weekend, just hanging out here, cleaning my yard, and not thinking about work.
Her playlist has issues.
Kayla, and her dog Lola
June 27
Callie and Tonks look odd here
I am in Heaven
Bailey was cold, so she covers up with the arm cover
What a clever way to water my plants :)
I made
Zesty Lemon Shrimp
Sassie is devastated when I come over
A housekeeper said "Someone drew a rocket ship on one of our directories"
Brayden. Chillin.
June 28
8 years ago today I went on the longest date of my life. I sure am glad I did!!
Happy "First Date" Anniversary to Scott!! I have no idea how he has put up with me all this time!!
I won't get to see him much today, I work 7am-8pm, then he works 11pm-7am. We will have next Saturday though :)
June 30
The end of the month. A very hot month.
I spent a few hours at my mom's today. My daddy doesn't have very long. When it does actually "set" in my brain, then I am sure it will be the worst moment of my life so far. Right now I am just numb to it all.
Casey came by with Brayden. He lets me hold him and doesn't cry. This is a great start.
I have a few hours alone at the house right now, I should be up and cleaning, but I am sitting on the couch listening to NASCAR on tv. Soaking up the a/c. I don't even want to think about the bill next month.