It's been awesome, I have caught up on a lot of my shows and movies, and have some family time. Anyway, to the point of my blog...
I cooked again!!
It's very simple.
If you have a slicer.
Take zucchini, slice it NOT too thin, otherwise it looks like this:
Just spray a pan with Olive Oil spray, place the zucchini however you like, sprinkle salt and pepper, garlic powder, and a smidge of white pepper, Olive Oil spray on top of the zucchini, and voila!
Pop it in the oven at 400 for about 15 minutes. I had to take a couple of them out earlier because they started to burn, but they are delish!!
I didn't want them to burn, so I took them out a tad too early and some were soft, so I put them in the microwave for 3 minutes. Crunchy for the win!
Here is a pic of my wonderful husband trying them out for me:
Another quick easy way to spice things up is to add sauces or marinades on your slices before drying the zucchini squash chips.