Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What a great story! Roll Tide!

(not sure where this originated, it was FWD to me)

Ok yall attached are some pictures that will make you be (EVEN MORE) proud to be an Alabama Fan! This is third hand information so I will tell you what I know. The little boy pictured is terminally ill and has a very short period of time to live. The illness has also recently caused him to go blind. A cold call was made to the University of Alabama and after verification that the story was true a meeting was set up with the team, the boy and his family. I was told they spent like 5 hours with the boy and toured the whole facility and that the players stayed with him the whole time. In the pictures you will see the boy with Saban's National Championship rings on, sitting behind his desk etc. But the pictures that get me the most are the ones with Mark Ingram and Julio Jones. As I mentioned the boy just recently went blind and he wanted to feel Mark and Julio's muscles, in the pictures you can see him feeling their muscles. How awesome is that! Yesterday when I was told the story I asked if he would send me a few more pictures and I may get more, if I do I will send them out. In a time when all you hear is negative media on collage and pro players it is refreshing to hear a story like this. You can beat your behind that Coach Saban had a lot to do with all this and it makes me have an even greater respect for what he is doing in Tuscaloosa. YEP I am drinking the Kool aid and it is good! ROLL TIDE and May God bless this boy, his parents and the Coach/Players at the University of Alabama who made one of his final days on this earth a special one.

Sent from my BlackBerry® Curve Smartphone
~Lisa Scarbrough Alexander

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