Friday, August 20, 2010

Karma is biting a big ol' chunk....

The saying "what goes around, come around" is definitely biting me in the rump today. When I worked the Return Desk as Lowe's, I admit I was mean to people. Not all the people, just the ones who stole stuff and tried to return it. Or the people who bought it all on their Visa, and want the refund on their Mastercard, so they can pay that bill off (the poodle lady). And the guy who bought $100 worth of Behr paint, and when I explained it was a Home Depot brand, he wanted us to give him the money, and US to take it back to Home Depot. Yeah, those people I was mean to.
I know I blogged yesterday about the bus driver, which I finally got over, but today I went on my quest to find the Febreze with Gain stuff that just came out. I left early, Target hadn't opened yet, so I went to Walmart, since that's the only place I have seen the Gain dish detergent. I found my loot, got some other stuff, and left. ONLY for Gain Febreze would I willingly get out in a monsoon. By the time I got to the car, threw the junk in the trunk (heehee), drove home in a downpour, unloaded in a downpour, I realized the cashier, who was a trainee, forgot to give me my other bag. My fault, I should've checked. I called the store, the lovely Customer Service lady answered, and I asked her if anyone had turned in a bag, she put me on hold for about 10 minutes, and said it wasn't at the desk, and it wasn't at the register. Pretty much told me tough tit.
So as usual, I call my mother, she tells me to go back up there and get my stuff. Granted it just had a few dollar items I could live without, it really wasn't worth getting back out in the rain. UNTIL I saw my Gain candle wasn't here.DANGER! DANGER! So fine, I trod back up there, went right to the register, and there was my bag. The C.S. lady had LIED! She didn't walk her fat ass over there and look! And that's not a derogatory remark, her butt was as big as my own.
So, I am home now, smelling up my Gain candle.
Mean Customer Service Lady....
My loot

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