Read this!!
New web site
I am going to try but I am still keeping this one.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Week 37
This decided to post on its own Monday night. I am going to have to find a new blog host.
Premature, blogger, premature.
My entire life.

Scott brought me the greatest care package ever!

The most exciting news all week!! Brad Meltzer is getting a new show!!!
Lost History
I am still waiting for another season of Decoded. I am looking at YOU, History Channel.
I really want my hair this color.


OMG. This picture. Joey & Pacey forever.

The most important article you will ever read:
13 reasons why Pacey was better than Dawson

I had a blog once where I attempted to chronicle my day to day life. It was my last year in Alabama when it was just me and Kamren all day. Now I am gone 11 hours a day, and I come home, eat, clean, sleep. I try to go and see my peeps, but some days I don't even have the energy for that. I want to try it again, maybe it will inspire me to actually do stuff.
When I read this I laughed, snorted, then fell out on the bed. THIS, is my entire life:

I have amazing people in my life who give the best advice:

OMG, I am guilty to maybe 80% of these!! #applemangotango
28 Things White People Love to Do
It's not so catchy, this version.
Death Metal "Let it Go"
I read this Tweet, laughed, and favorited it:

and then Secret Tweeted...

My day was made.
Oh gosh. His name.

I redid my website. Go see all the pictures Istole took.

I cooked!
Shrimp Alfredo
That's it for this week. Maybe next week I will have a new blog provider.
Unless it takes effort. Let's not get crazy.
Premature, blogger, premature.
My entire life.

Scott brought me the greatest care package ever!

The most exciting news all week!! Brad Meltzer is getting a new show!!!
Lost History
I am still waiting for another season of Decoded. I am looking at YOU, History Channel.
I really want my hair this color.
OMG. This picture. Joey & Pacey forever.

The most important article you will ever read:
13 reasons why Pacey was better than Dawson

I had a blog once where I attempted to chronicle my day to day life. It was my last year in Alabama when it was just me and Kamren all day. Now I am gone 11 hours a day, and I come home, eat, clean, sleep. I try to go and see my peeps, but some days I don't even have the energy for that. I want to try it again, maybe it will inspire me to actually do stuff.
When I read this I laughed, snorted, then fell out on the bed. THIS, is my entire life:
I have amazing people in my life who give the best advice:
OMG, I am guilty to maybe 80% of these!! #applemangotango
28 Things White People Love to Do
It's not so catchy, this version.
Death Metal "Let it Go"
I read this Tweet, laughed, and favorited it:
and then Secret Tweeted...
My day was made.
Oh gosh. His name.

I redid my website. Go see all the pictures I

I cooked!
Shrimp Alfredo
That's it for this week. Maybe next week I will have a new blog provider.
Unless it takes effort. Let's not get crazy.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Recipes: Shrimp Alfredo
This is super easy and nom.

What you need:
Shrimp. I used fully cooked, frozen, medium. You just need to run cold water over them and picked off their little tails. Scott likes to buy steamed seasoned shrimp. I like $7.99 over $20. Sue me.
Butter. Enter the debate over using "real " butter v/s Country Crock. I maintain that Country Crock is butter. Whatever. Use a pat or so of ugly stick butter.
A shake or two of parsley and basil.
2 jars of Classic Ragu Alfredo Sauce. I don't even care what your favorite kind is. This is what you want.
Thin pasta. Angel Hair would be ideal. I had thin spaghetti on hand way in the back of the fridge. It works.
A big heaping spoon of minced garlic.
What you need to do:
Boil the pasta.
Melt the butter in a skillet, add shrimp and minced garlic to medium heat, stir until garlic cooks down, 5-7 minutes.
Add one jar of Alfredo to the shrimp, add the seasonings, turn to low until the pasta is ready.
Drain the pasta, add the second jar of Alfredo.
Huge debate whether to mix it all together in the shrimp skillet, or the pasta pot.
The pot won.
Throw a little Parmesan on there. Shaved is my favorite. I had shredded.
My world, my world.

Just one of my favorite pictures ever. Move along.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Week 36
Not a bad week. I still have a cat to give away, if anyone wants her!!!!!
Learn stuff!
44 Presidental Facts
Learn more stuff!
Unexplained Monuments
I redeemed an iTunes gift card, and got Season 2 of Chicago Fire for free!! WHAAAT! I began downloading it on Friday morning, and Wednesday at 9:50am, I am still downloading it.
I am looking at you, HughesNet!
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was the best opening to a book that I have ever read. There were times when reading the book that I felt I had no idea what was going on, but I always figured it out. My imagination isn't as vivid as it used to be, so it was difficult to imagine some of the things described (like the 'veil' in Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix), but I recommend this highly to everyone.
View all my reviews
Inferno by Casey Hill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A killer killing people in the order of Hell in Dante's Inferno. Even though the plot is completely different from Dan Brown's Inferno, THIS was a good book. I enjoy these books a lot, and I am about to begin the third book in the Reilly Steel series.
View all my reviews
Chips of Red Paint by K. Martin Beckner
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I don't know what I went into the book expecting, but it wasn't at all what I got. Not that it's a bad thing, I just read the description way different than what it was. I liked it though.
View all my reviews
I follow a blog where the guy documents everything that happens throughout his day. I attempted it a few years ago with a daily blog, but couldn't keep up. I said I was going to try it just this one day.
Sunday *no early A.M. pictures, I had to charge my phone*
Woke up, brushed teeth.
Checked Facebook, Twitter, email.
Scott cooked breakfast, ate turkey bacon, over easy eggs, toast & jelly.
Drank a ton of Dt Mtn Dew
Made dish water.
"Full Metal Jacket" is on tv. I wish I had the remote to change it .
It's like he read my mind, and went to the TV Guide.
I see Nanny McPhee is on. I have no clue what could be better than this! Why isn't he changing it!
Oh never mind, he put it back on the bloody movie.
The acting is clearly being read off cue cards.
10 minutes later, still haven't touched the dishes.
I washed a load of whites.
When I finally got to the dishes 20 minutes after I made the water, Scott comes up and tries to recreate the pottery wheel scene from "Ghost".
He got shot down real quick.
I added new pictures to my website.
Well this is okay, he put it on "She's the Man". I LOL.
Straightened half of my hair.
Put on face cream and mascara, put on work clothes.
Gave up with hair, put it in a ponytail.
Grabs laptop, phone, and keys, or so I thought.
Leave for work, thank the Good Lord the a/c is still working.
Get over halfway to work, remember I forgot the keys to my office, had to turn around.
Stomps in house, grabs keys, stomps back out.
Arrive at work, do work stuff until 5pm.
Clock out, go to the grocery store.
Wait until Scott is loading everything onto the belt, sneak out to the truck.

I soulfully serenaded him on the way home. It was not appreciated.
I clearly was interrupting his meal.
Ate dinner (Sonic), put up groceries, took out the trash, emptied and washed the litter boxes.
That moment when you're eating dinner and your husband wants you to scratch and investigate a bump on his back. And...I'm done with eating.
Cleaned the living room whilst watching The Hobbit.
Washed and dried the loveseat cover and washed all of the blankets/throws. Not because the dog lays on them while we are sleeping.....
I used the Swiffer to dust under the bookshelves, the a/c kicked on and dust blew into my eye. I died.
Accidentally mixed up washing the top and bottom sheet, so at bedtime we have a clean dry bottom sheet and the top sheet is in the washer. I'm down.
Aside from replacing the toilet paper, that's pretty much my day.
See why I don't blog like the other dude does?
He remembers to take pictures and do, things.
And my family mocks the baby names that I pick out!

What? How did this get here?

If you want to brighten my day, mail me something. Not bills.

This makes me laugh every time I see it. I am really 12 years old...

$2500 for a chair. Yes please.

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
My sister told me not to read the books, to stick to the TV series, that I wouldn't like the books. I didn't dislike the book at all, but I did compare them, and I like the show better, which is very rare for me. I may try a couple more, I have been wrong before. Gasp.
View all my reviews
Willie for President.

That's all I got today folks!
Learn stuff!
44 Presidental Facts
Learn more stuff!
Unexplained Monuments
I redeemed an iTunes gift card, and got Season 2 of Chicago Fire for free!! WHAAAT! I began downloading it on Friday morning, and Wednesday at 9:50am, I am still downloading it.
I am looking at you, HughesNet!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was the best opening to a book that I have ever read. There were times when reading the book that I felt I had no idea what was going on, but I always figured it out. My imagination isn't as vivid as it used to be, so it was difficult to imagine some of the things described (like the 'veil' in Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix), but I recommend this highly to everyone.
View all my reviews

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A killer killing people in the order of Hell in Dante's Inferno. Even though the plot is completely different from Dan Brown's Inferno, THIS was a good book. I enjoy these books a lot, and I am about to begin the third book in the Reilly Steel series.
View all my reviews

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I don't know what I went into the book expecting, but it wasn't at all what I got. Not that it's a bad thing, I just read the description way different than what it was. I liked it though.
View all my reviews
I follow a blog where the guy documents everything that happens throughout his day. I attempted it a few years ago with a daily blog, but couldn't keep up. I said I was going to try it just this one day.
Sunday *no early A.M. pictures, I had to charge my phone*
Woke up, brushed teeth.
Checked Facebook, Twitter, email.
Scott cooked breakfast, ate turkey bacon, over easy eggs, toast & jelly.
Drank a ton of Dt Mtn Dew
Made dish water.
"Full Metal Jacket" is on tv. I wish I had the remote to change it .
It's like he read my mind, and went to the TV Guide.
I see Nanny McPhee is on. I have no clue what could be better than this! Why isn't he changing it!
Oh never mind, he put it back on the bloody movie.
The acting is clearly being read off cue cards.
10 minutes later, still haven't touched the dishes.
I washed a load of whites.
When I finally got to the dishes 20 minutes after I made the water, Scott comes up and tries to recreate the pottery wheel scene from "Ghost".
He got shot down real quick.
I added new pictures to my website.
Well this is okay, he put it on "She's the Man". I LOL.
Straightened half of my hair.
Put on face cream and mascara, put on work clothes.
Gave up with hair, put it in a ponytail.
Grabs laptop, phone, and keys, or so I thought.
Leave for work, thank the Good Lord the a/c is still working.
Get over halfway to work, remember I forgot the keys to my office, had to turn around.
Stomps in house, grabs keys, stomps back out.
Arrive at work, do work stuff until 5pm.
Clock out, go to the grocery store.
Wait until Scott is loading everything onto the belt, sneak out to the truck.

I soulfully serenaded him on the way home. It was not appreciated.
I clearly was interrupting his meal.
Ate dinner (Sonic), put up groceries, took out the trash, emptied and washed the litter boxes.
That moment when you're eating dinner and your husband wants you to scratch and investigate a bump on his back. And...I'm done with eating.
Cleaned the living room whilst watching The Hobbit.
Washed and dried the loveseat cover and washed all of the blankets/throws. Not because the dog lays on them while we are sleeping.....
I used the Swiffer to dust under the bookshelves, the a/c kicked on and dust blew into my eye. I died.
Accidentally mixed up washing the top and bottom sheet, so at bedtime we have a clean dry bottom sheet and the top sheet is in the washer. I'm down.
Aside from replacing the toilet paper, that's pretty much my day.
See why I don't blog like the other dude does?
He remembers to take pictures and do, things.
And my family mocks the baby names that I pick out!
What? How did this get here?

If you want to brighten my day, mail me something. Not bills.

This makes me laugh every time I see it. I am really 12 years old...

$2500 for a chair. Yes please.

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
My sister told me not to read the books, to stick to the TV series, that I wouldn't like the books. I didn't dislike the book at all, but I did compare them, and I like the show better, which is very rare for me. I may try a couple more, I have been wrong before. Gasp.
View all my reviews
Willie for President.

That's all I got today folks!
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Week 35. You're welcome.
My super exciting week.
It was handled with nothing but extreme care:

I think I am engaged to this guy?

Since I am off on Friday and Saturdays, this is my Thursday evening!

So I am convinced that that particular spot in my house is haunted, because this is the third time that a cat at been spotted staring in that one spot. There is nothing there!

Lily said today was my day:

Sassie said today was Scott's day:

Callie said to calm down and stop yelling at College Football:

If you love Lord of the Rings as I do, this is LOL Suggested Hashtags for LOTR

I laughed so hard at this, the husband was concerned. my whole life.
23 of the Silliest Fights Ever
I found this gem on the wonderful Internet:
"Thunderstruck" on Flaming Bagpipes

I can't remember if I have posted this yet or not, but it is my entire life:

It was handled with nothing but extreme care:

I think I am engaged to this guy?
Since I am off on Friday and Saturdays, this is my Thursday evening!

So I am convinced that that particular spot in my house is haunted, because this is the third time that a cat at been spotted staring in that one spot. There is nothing there!

Lily said today was my day:

Sassie said today was Scott's day:

Callie said to calm down and stop yelling at College Football:

If you love Lord of the Rings as I do, this is LOL Suggested Hashtags for LOTR
I laughed so hard at this, the husband was concerned. my whole life.
23 of the Silliest Fights Ever
I found this gem on the wonderful Internet:
"Thunderstruck" on Flaming Bagpipes

I can't remember if I have posted this yet or not, but it is my entire life:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Week 34.
I finally got over all of the sickness, but I have zero energy. I haven't touched the exercise bike in over a week.
I don't know what kind it is, other than it's a dead one:

Bailey and I went to Vintage Magnolia, and saw this car.
They like Supernatural, Sherlock and Harry Potter.
We must become Best Friends:

I bought Divergent, get home, open it....nothing.
It was in the cardboard protector, so I didn't notice there was no plastic protector.
I text Bailey....

Kari ,Grant, and Tori are leaving Mythbusters.
This sucks.
Saturday was my cousin Hunter's 5th birthday. He doesn't cry when he sees me anymore, but still won't talk to me. Semi-progess!
Lily's entire personality summed up into one picture:



I abandoned reading Memory Scents, The Neighbors, and Winter's Tale.
The Snowball Effect by James Patterson
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Sweet Water: A Novel by Christina Baker Kline
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was so very different than anything I've read. I loved it. I normally read several books at a time, one chapter at a time, and this threw me off, because there are no chapters. I was twenty minutes into it before I realized the entire book is a series of letters.
I will definitely read it again.
It also took me until 80% or so to realize that Sydney is a man.
View all my reviews
So bittersweet

I sent her a Snapchat saying "Happy first last day of school!!"

..and realized I said it backward

This made me giggle. And share it with everyone I know at work. I am still giggling.

So I leave you this week with Laura, who got her first "sports" tshirt.

I don't know what kind it is, other than it's a dead one:

Bailey and I went to Vintage Magnolia, and saw this car.
They like Supernatural, Sherlock and Harry Potter.
We must become Best Friends:

I bought Divergent, get home, open it....nothing.
It was in the cardboard protector, so I didn't notice there was no plastic protector.
I text Bailey....

Kari ,Grant, and Tori are leaving Mythbusters.
This sucks.
Saturday was my cousin Hunter's 5th birthday. He doesn't cry when he sees me anymore, but still won't talk to me. Semi-progess!
Lily's entire personality summed up into one picture:



I abandoned reading Memory Scents, The Neighbors, and Winter's Tale.

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
View all my reviews

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
View all my reviews

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was so very different than anything I've read. I loved it. I normally read several books at a time, one chapter at a time, and this threw me off, because there are no chapters. I was twenty minutes into it before I realized the entire book is a series of letters.
I will definitely read it again.
It also took me until 80% or so to realize that Sydney is a man.
View all my reviews
So bittersweet

I sent her a Snapchat saying "Happy first last day of school!!"

..and realized I said it backward

This made me giggle. And share it with everyone I know at work. I am still giggling.

So I leave you this week with Laura, who got her first "sports" tshirt.

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