I can't complain.
2. Name three things that have stressed you lately:
Work: people don't want to show up, resulting in 13 hour shifts and no off days.
My body, from the knee down: calves, feet..hurt all the time.
I have/had a friend, I have no idea if they are alive or dead, avoiding me...who knows? Our friendship ended in the middle of a conversation.
3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King?
It's been a long time since I've had their food, but yesterday Rebecca and I bought a Mocha Frappe.
4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
Definitely the mountains.

5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning?

6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date?
At long as there is food, I'm down.
7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes?
Never. Like...ever.
8. Vodka or wine?
Not much of a drinker.
9. How often do you cry?
Every day. Not so much from sadness or anger, it just comes and goes. I refuse to admit it's hormonal.
10. The last thing you yelled at?
This precious thing here that pooped in my BED!

11. Are you hungry?
Do you even know me?
12. Do you wear socks to bed?
It has to be absolutely freezing, and even then I wake up with them off.
13. What is currently bugging you?
I am tired of having the same conversation over and over. I need to mop the floor, and there are 4 loads of laundry I need to fold and put up. However, I did get 2 complete rooms cleaned today on my off day. Also, it's annoying my off days are spent cleaning....always cleaning up dog hair and dishes, and laundry.
I'm done. /end rant

14. Where do you want to go?
I've been wanting to take a weekend trip to south Louisiana. Just to go and get away from work and home.
15. Can you change a car tire?
It would take a long time, but I think I would eventually get it done.
16. Have you met more than ten celebrities?
Not more than 10.
17. What is your favorite month?
I LOVE October!!! I always try and take my vacation then, because it's usually cool, and the leaves change, and football, and the World Series. The last two have been bad, so I am hoping this October goes smoothly and I can be at peace and not nerve wracking like last vacation.
18. What was the last movie you watched?
I am in the middle of Oz the Great and Powerful now. The last movie I completed was The Host.
19. Have you ever had sexual feelings for anyone you follow?
Like..follow on the street? Stalk? Troll? I need more information!!
20. Do you have any book/movie obsessions?
Indeed I do.
21. Favourite Disney princess?
Belle, she liked books and fell for an ugly guy.
22. Favourite city?
I love going to New Orleans.
23. Any new exciting things going on?
I'm gonna be an aunt, yo!
24. Cigarettes or alcohol?
Neither for me, thank you.
25. Exercise or healthy eating?
Oh I am super lazy, so I would rather either lettuce than have to run.
26. Favourite and least favourite accents?
German accents scare the crap out of me. Favorite...probably whatever Gerard Butler was rocking in 300.
27. What are you looking forward to?

28. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child?
Yes, fat girl here always got through.
29. When was the last time you danced?
Every day my friend.
30. What is the last song you listened to?
Fix You by Coldplay.